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EPP Resources

General EPP  |  Government Agencies with EPP Programs  |  Product Eval Tools  |  Topic Specific Resources

General EPP

Government Agencies with EPP Programs

Portland, City of

California, State of

King County, Washington

Massachusetts, Commonwealth of

Minnesota, State of

New York City

San Francisco, City and County of

Seattle, City of

Product Evaluation Tools & Guides

BEES (life cycle analysis of building materials)

Electronics TakeBack Coalition (guides for buying green electronics)

Environmental Benefits Calculator

EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (recycled content minimum guides)

Green Cleaning Pollution Prevention Calculator

Paper Calculator

Topic Specific “Green” Resources

Electronics & E-Waste: Electronics TakeBack Coalition Tools for Purchasers and EPEAT (eco-label)

Green Building: USGBC LEED and BEES (product eval tool) and Healthy Schools Campaign and LEED Existing Building criteria for green cleaning and the Green Seal certification for cleaning services

Healthcare: Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm

Office (Greening of): SIJ Green Office Guide

Paper: Environmental Paper Network Buying Guide

Schools: Collaboration for High Performance Schools

Wood Products:  FSC Product Search and Rainforest Relief selection guide

Atrium Properties:  5 Benefits of Having a Green Office Space

TIP: Also research various EcoLabels for additional “green” standards and products


Columbia Chapter

The Columbia Chapter of NIGP is a local not-for-profit-education and research organization dedicated to helping government agencies manage tax dollars wisely. The Chapter consists of members from the Portland metropolitan area and surrounding communities.

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